The ultimate winter skin and hair care survival guide

How can we care for our skin and hair in winter?

As the hazy summer days fade away, our attention turns to the colder months. With oversized sweaters, cosy nights in with hot cocoa and the beautiful changing of the leaves there are a lot of things to be excited about.

However, this colder weather can cause some major problems for your skin and hair, especially between your nourishing spa treatments. Your lips can chap within minutes and you’ll end up stashing lip balm in every pocket you own; your skin can dry out and you can spend evenings applying moisturiser and the stronger winds can cause your hair to lose complete control as soon as you take a step out the door.

The main reason for all of this is the lack of humidity. When the air gets colder, it also often gets a lot less humid, and although too much humidity can make our hair blow out and can be bad for our skin, too little can also have negative effects. The lack of humidity combined with the cold weather means that when it does come around a new beauty routine is needed.

Winter is a beauty minefield, but, with this ultimate winter survival guide we talk to some of the experts and best beauty bloggers around to find out their tips and tricks to help you power through.

The Glow Getter
“I think a lot of people forget that you need to be treating your hair similar to your skin.”
The Glow Getter is run by Ailish Lucas, a professional makeup artist and beauty therapist who is currently training as a coach whilst blogging about how people can look good using natural, pure and organic beauty products.

Ailish gave us her number one tip for winter skincare: “Hydration, hydration, hydration. This can be in many ways but the first one would be drinking lots of water and herbal teas. If we are dehydrated, our bodies can't get rid of toxins effectively and our skin starts to dry out and become flaky, so keeping ourselves hydrated is the key throughout winter. Once you're topped up on that, then look at a nourishing oil to keep your skin healthy will work wonders for your skin and will keep you glowing all winter long.”

Ailish then went on to talk about how important winter haircare is: “I think a lot of people forget that you need to be treating your hair similar to your skin if you want it to remain strong and healthy, so my number one tip would be to use hair masks. They are such an under-used product, yet they help your hair to stay glossy, strong and shiny. You can use something as simple as Castor Oil and leave it on overnight.”

Honestly, Though

“The wintertime is when my face is the puffiest, and when I (we) suffer from getting sick the most.”

Honestly, Though, is a blog run by Phoebe McPherson, and it is where she talks about everything from veganism, to giving beauty and travel tips. We asked Phoebe for her winter skincare top tip, and she delivered: “I swear by ice rolling and jade rolling, but in the winter, I think it’s especially needed. The wintertime is when my face is the puffiest, and when I (we) suffer from getting sick the most. Enter: Ice Rolling. Think of it as a mini paint roller — either metal or plastic (metal stays colder longer) that you roll across your face. It helps with puffiness and lymphatic drainage. It’s also amazing for prepping your skin before putting on makeup.”

We then asked Phoebe for her top winter haircare tip: “Don't use really tight hairbands! This is obviously important year-round, but especially in the winter when your hair is more fragile. I try to only use those coiled bands or scrunchies to save my hair from breakage. I also try to wash my hair less often — usually 2-3 times a week — to keep the natural oils present in my hair.”

Gemma Louise
“I wake up with such soft, glowing skin. Perfect to battle that horrible winter dryness.” 

Gemma Louise is a beauty and lifestyle blogger who offers her advice, opinions and stories to her online community. We spoke to Gemma, who told us her number one winter skin care tip: “My number one winter skincare tip is to leave hydrating masks on overnight. Even ones that you're supposed to rinse off after 10 minutes. I wake up with such soft, glowing skin. Perfect to battle that horrible winter dryness.

“For other winter tips, I apply oils and serums after my moisturiser as they keep my skin really smooth right before I apply my makeup. This stops my foundation clinging to any dry patches and going cakey. I also use conditioner to shave my legs with as my skin can get horribly dry in the winter months and this leaves them really soft.”

We asked Gemma what her number on winter haircare tip is: “For haircare, I try to wash my hair less as it helps prevent a dry, itchy scalp. I also use weekly hair treatments to help keep it hydrated. Sometimes you don't even need a hair treatment as leaving conditioner in for an hour or two works just as well.”

Beauty & The Bird
“This helps me to prevent dull skin and helps to achieve soft skin in the winter months.”
Rachel Spiteri is a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger who is known online as Beauty & The Bird. We reached out to Rachel and she shared her top tip for winter skincare: “My number one winter tip for skincare is to keep your skin nourished and moisturised at all times. The cold and harsh weather in winter can easily dry out your skin, so it's important to get into the habit of moisturising your skin every morning before applying makeup as well as every evening before going to sleep. This helps me to prevent dull skin and helps to achieve soft skin in the winter months.”

Rachel continued: “The winter weather can have a dry effect not only on your face, but also on other parts of your body - especially those exposed to the cold such as your hands and lips. Keep a hand cream in your handbag at all times to keep your hands feeling soft, and a lip balm to protect your lips from the elements.”

Similarly, to Gemma Louise, Rachel highly recommended weekly hair treatments: “My number one winter tip for haircare is to incorporate a weekly hair mask into your routine to lock in moisture and helps me achieve stronger, more hydrated hair. Leave-in conditioner is also great to help combat frizzy hair in winter.”

The Beauty Backpacker
“There’s nothing quite like taking a good bath and you can’t beat the benefits of a long soak in the dull winter months.”
Yariella Coello is not only a beauty addict, but a travel obsessed as well. Her blog, The Beauty Backpacker, discusses her travels around the world in search of adventure and the best beauty essentials she can find. We thought she would be a fantastic person to talk to, so we asked her for her number one skincare tip for colder weather: “Winter is all about keeping your skin as hydrated as possible, so finding the right moisturiser is probably the most important skincare step during the colder months. I use two types of moisturisers to survive the brutal winter conditions: a thicker day cream that works nicely under makeup and lasts all day and an oil that nourishes and restores my skin overnight, so I wake up with a newfound glow.

“But I also like to rotate out different natural oils to keep my skin especially plump and fresh in the wintertime. Rosehip, macadamia and avocado oil are some of my favourites. You just have to ensure it's an oil that’s specifically designed for your face and your skin type.”

We then asked Yariella if she had any haircare tips to share: “Hair can sometimes get forgotten during the winter months, in our efforts to keep our skin healthy. But winter can really take its toll on our locks too, especially if your hair is already naturally coarse or dry. I like to use a hair oil on a daily basis in winter, rubbing it into the ends of my hair to keep in nourished in the colder months. I also use a deep conditioner once a week; this really helps sink moisture into my curls too.

Finally, Yariella gave us her number one tip on how to relax and rejuvenate in the cold weather: “There’s nothing quite like taking a good bath and you can’t beat the benefits of a long soak in the dull winter months. I take a bath using aromatherapy oils that help me relax but also restore my skin. I also throw in magnesium salts to soothe any sore muscles. And I take full advantage of my bath time for full body rehydration. I cover my face in a K-beauty sheet mask and let my hair absorb a deep conditioner. By the time I step out of the tub, I feel like a new person both inside and out!”

This Essex Girl
“Stay in tune with your body and how your skin is feeling, to make sure you keep it nourished and looked after whatever the weather!”

We also spoke to Harriet, known online as This Essex Girl. She blogs about her life and discusses beauty tips and advice a lot. We asked her about her winter skincare routine: “I suffer from dry skin all year round, but the mix of central heating and chilly temperatures outside tends to wreak havoc on my skin - making it drier than ever in the winter months! To combat this, I make sure to exfoliate at least weekly, and every night I apply a good night cream (the thicker the better!) to replenish my skin with the moisture it has lost during the day.”

Harriet also discussed her winter haircare routine: “Rain, snow, harsh winds – all elements that can make for a seriously bad hair day! I have thick hair, so at the slightest bit of humidity it tends to frizz up. To avoid this, I try and keep moisture in my locks by treating myself to a luxury hair mask once a week. Any excuse for a bit of pampering, eh?!”

Harriet also gave us one parting piece of advice: “Appreciate that you will need to switch up your beauty/haircare regime as the seasons change. Stay in tune with your body and how your skin is feeling, to make sure you keep it nourished and looked after whatever the weather!”

So, there you have it, some of the best tips from beauty influencers in the know. Obviously, everyone’s body is different and what works for one person may not work well for someone else, however, it is worth trying some of these tops tips if you want to try and create your own skin and hair care routines for the colder months. A few of the top ideas we’ve received, and the easiest places to start are:

Keep your skin hydrated

Almost everyone we spoke to has suggested in some way keeping your skin and body hydrated. Spending some time trying to find the perfect moisturiser for your skin and getting into a routine with it is one of the easiest and most effective things you can do to help your skin.

Use hair masks to keep it conditioned

A lot of people spoke about how the cold weather can dry out not only your skin, but your hair as well and a great way to combat this is to use weekly hair masks.

Embracing essential oils

A few of the experts we spoke to also mentioned essential oils and how they not only smell lovely but can have huge benefits for your mind, hair and skin. If you prefer natural beauty products, pick out your favourite scents and let them uplift your daily routine.