Calm your nervous system
About Gayatri Monani
Gayatri has been a Wellbeing Trainer for over 15 years.
She is an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and an EFT Trainer, and has taught EFT for over 12 years to women with cancer, teachers, school children, prison staff and through adult learning. She has been teaching mindfulness for over seven years.
Having experienced hypervigilance herself in the past, Gayatri understands how difficult it can be to function in this state, so she is on a mission to empower people to overcome hypervigilance by sharing the most effective tools that helped her.
Gayatri creates a positive and nurturing learning environment, where every woman is heard and welcomed. There is no pressure to say or do anything during the workshop.

how DOES it work?
1x Tapping workshop
1x Mindfulness session
1x Breathwork session
1x Body Bliss Meditation
Use of state-of-the-art gyms
Free sessions and classes, including gym intros, aqua classes, virtual classes, walks and talks.
Plus, up to 20 fitness classes each day
(additional charges apply)